Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Florida Bubble P.O.S. of the Week - Palm Beach

Wow, a real overpriced beauty in lovely Palm Beach, FLORIDA! All inclusive:
  • 1241 of living space!
  • A fabulous one-car garage!
  • Sub-standard schools!
  • Owners paid $157K in 2004, but worth so much more!
  • Notice the car parked in front lawn - what a great neighborhood!

And it can be had for a paltry $275,000. Congrats, you have won the FLORIDA BUBBLE P.O.S. of the WEEK!

Florida Bubble P.O.S. #2 - Palm Beach


  1. I know the area of the house in Palm Beach County....
    It's mostly a black area, of better homes for the blacks in the county...
    But, as in most of Palm Beach County, who can afford them, whether your black or white....
    Palm Beach Mall is about 6 blocks west....
    One of the higher crime areas in the county!!!
    Palm Beach County used to be good, NOW I'd rate it top P.O.S.
    Been there since 1980....been gone since January!!!

  2. How in the h-ll are they going to get anything close to that kind of money. Classic case of realtor giving unrealistic expectations in order to get the listing. How lame.

    ...and congrats on your "Escape from Palm Beach"!

  3. I can "top that story"..
    Last fall the Palm Beach Post was running a page in the Sunday paper entitled "flip of the week"..
    The one in particular that I remember was a little Spanish mediterain(sp) style stucco house over on 36th, or 39th street....
    2 bedroom, 1 bath, no garage, approx 1000 sq ft...built in 1925 [approx]..Location was in a transition area..mostly black, with yuppies buying up older homes to re-hab....
    >>>MY JAW DROPPED<<<<

    People are just ""NUTS""

  4. Man, I wonder if they're still running that little joke of an article. Kind of as old-school as "Flip This House".

    Speaking of aforementioned BS show, I wonder if they've got any segments taped from this past summer onwards? It would be great fun to see what happens when the house not only doesn't sell for the asking price, but is still on the market at the time of broadcast.

  5. The second house featured on "Flip That House" is still on the market.


    Entry from about October 9, 2006 titled, "Flip My Foreclosure". 2177 sf block house in Palm Springs, CA. with the price reduced to a meager $799k.

  6. Here is a real diamond in the rough...LOL..
    They have 100,000 worth of equity in this P.O.S.


  7. Man, these are hilarious. That last one should be a headliner for this site.

  8. That is a crappy area and a crappy house. No way it's worth that much.

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