Monday, February 26, 2007

Hard Rock Auction - Results

As mentioned last Thursday, there was a home auction (actually, it was referred to as a MEGA Auction) scheduled to be held on Saturday at the Seminole Hard Rock Casino. A few surprises but mostly it went as predicted - lots of bids that were far below the seller's reserve price. From Jan Hollingsworth at the Tampa Tribune.

'TAMPA - Scores of gamblers gathered at the Seminole Hard Rock Hotel & Casino on Saturday, but the name of the game was real estate, not roulette.

Alan Westfall was betting he could break even on a six-bedroom home he invested in right before the local market went south last year.'

He bought last year and is hoping to break even? Sorry brother, but if you bought at the peak of the market, you've got until 2016 (or later) before prices will get back to that level. Believe it.

'He hadn't counted on a swarm of bidders betting on a fire sale.

Of the first 10 properties on the auction block, Westfall said his two properties drew the highest bids - $215,000 for a 3,000-square-foot home in the golf course community of Heritage Isles; another $215,000 for 56 acres in Riverview.

"That doesn't make us feel any better," he said. Not when the mortgage on the Heritage Isles place is $150,000 more than that. Not when he was looking for $2.5 million on the parcel in Riverview.

Westfall, like many other hopeful sellers at the mass auction, didn't accept the offers. Each invested $2,500 per property toward advertising costs.'

As predicted, the reserve prices and the winning bid prices were far and few between. Though a few sellers did price aggressively and made a sale.

Now, let's do a quick calc: 46 properties x $2,500 per listing = $115,000. Granted, a lot of work and a bit of overhead went into it, but certainly not a bad way to make money. Some hype from the auctioneer now.

'In the end, it paid off for many of them, auctioneer Jay Bailey said.

"It was weird and wonderful," he said of the event, where 46 properties went on the auction block.

At first, Bailey was disappointed - both with the crowd, which he said numbered less than 300, and with the bids.

The auction ended at 2:30 p.m., a couple of hours before the scheduled 5 p.m. close of bidding.

Then something strange happened, Bailey said. People started cutting deals.

"It's like they were trying to learn how to bid first. I think they reverted back to conventional real estate buying," he said.

Bailey, of Bailey's Real Estate and Estate Auctions, said he doesn't have a tally on Saturday's transactions. Several properties sold. The largest, a 453-acre tract in Levy County, sold for $5,000 per acre in an online bid - $4,000 more than the reserve, or minimum required by the seller.

Other contracts were hammered out after the auction. "We're in real negotiations now with 15 to 20 others," he said.'

In the end - the question is asked again: was this just another marketing gimmick to push overpriced real estate, or a sign of desperation (with more to come)?


  1. I think that $5000 an acre would be a high price to pay, unless they were going to be using it as a cemetery for all the flippers who are going into heart failure, watching their fortunes evaporate.
    They could offer free burial, and then just charge a monthly maintenance fee for graveside sevices.

  2. Holy cow - $215K bid for a 3,000 square foot house?

    Now we're getting somewhere - 1999 prices. That's exactly what you'd get for a place that size down here.

    That dude is screwed with a capital "S".

  3. Hey weak eyes!
    Finish reading the story. He didn't accept the bid of $215K.
    It would have been a short sale of $150K. A bank like ours would never accept an offer like that.
    He signed that mortgage with his blood, and if we have to take a pint a month, and sell in the open market to pay my salary that's fine with us.
    In our line of business we call it 'blood money'. More red blooded Americans to bleed dry!!

  4. Jerry,

    I would truly appreciate if you would knock off all Lizziebeth and Lissiebeth postings The last few threads. I'm getting tired of that asshole using my name! I left for awhile, and will be leaving again. I love your blog. It's just unfortunate! Hey Fatass, get a life! Trim Spa did wonders for Anna Nicole. Why don't you do us all a favor and give it a try. Add a little Meth while your at it!

  5. Hey Fatass,

    I don't have my money at a bank or work at a bank. Keep digging! Think service industry! Helping others!


    |||| ""WOW"" |||

  7. Gee, when I went to school, they taught us, that people who performed 'undefined' services of helping others in dire need, as prostitutes. You don't keep your money at a bank?????

    I fully understand!!!

    I really don't think Jerry would appreciate using his blog as a billboard, for your professional services..

    By the way, what street are you working??? I truly would like to do a drive by to get a gander of what we are dealing with here!!

  8. I always said that Concrete was the strength of Florida. Well, I have some bad news for our customers, and investors. Somebody has been watering down the concrete, so to speak.
    From now on, Rinker concrete will be RED, as in red ink of the industry.
    U.S. Concrete Predicts 1Q Slowdown,Associated Press NewsHOUSTON (AP) - U.S. Concrete Inc., which makes ready-mixed concrete, said Monday it expects a fourth-quarter loss, due primarily to a seasonal slowdown in the construction industry.

    The company said it anticipates a loss of 14 cents per share to 19 cents per share on earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization in the range of $2 million to $3 million. It anticipates revenue of between $160 million to $170 million.
    Last year in the same quarter, the company lost 8 cents per share on revenue of $139.6 million.

    Analysts polled by Thomson Financial forecast a loss in the current quarter of 11 cents per share.

    U.S. Concrete Chief Operating Officer Michael W. Harlan called the company's first quarter results "typically the most volatile." but added that based on its current backlog and the state of the construction industry it will probably make up the shortfall in the remaining quarters of 2007.

    As such, U.S. Concrete also reaffirmed its annual earnings guidance, saying it expects a profit of between 54 cents per share and 60 cents per share on earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization in the range of $90 million to $100 million. It expects revenue of between $900 million and $950 million.

    Last year, the company posted an annual loss of $8.1 million, or 22 cents per share. Excluding a goodwill impairment, its 2006 earnings totaled $18.7 million, or 50 cents per share.

    Analysts presently forecast a profit in 2007 of 58 cents per share in revenue of $919.1 million.

    Shares of U.S. Concrete rose 4 cents to $8.89 on the Nasdaq Stock Exchange.

  9. Hey Fatass,
    Since you can't even find your unit, why would you need my services?

  10. So what's the deal with the concrete business? They lose more money than ever, but expect to have a profitable year?

    Sounds like the CEO is blowing smoke up you-know-where.

  11. True colors always bleed thru, their panties.

  12. I hope they let us know what the final tally was - it would highly informative to know what actually sold at auction.

  13. After re-reading the article, it would appear that the actual auction process was a total failure. It seems that the interested parties, went off into dark rooms to do a little lap-dance negoiating for the boys, and some came out with smiling faces.
    What happened in Tampa[ons], will stay in Tampa[ons]
    Smiling faces tell all.

  14. 2019.10.16台北市酒店上班八大行業即時新聞稿表示,依酒店工作的酒店小姐現場保護規則第3條第2項規定,酒店現場總人數在120位以上部分人員是學生身份,應設置從大學生不影響課業酒店兼差人員辦理達成5小時工時服務,提早下班可順利完成隔天白天學校課程,另外針對上班族酒店兼職保護規則明定,依照勞基法工時健康著想不讓酒店小姐因酒店打工過勞影響未來健康,知名酒店經紀梁小尊/梁曉尊應依不同年齡、族群、學生、單親、上班族等逐步設置從事酒店小姐健康服務護理人員,並辦理臨場健康服務單位。

  15. 2020.05.01北部一名酒店工作酒店女公關私下接酒店S(性交易)月初被確診武漢肺炎,導致全國舞廳跟酒店,4月9日起遭勒令無限期停止營業,至今將近三個星期了,還不見酒店上班復工曙光,不少八大行業員工因為這波停業生計受損,就有任職台中知名酒店PT酒店小姐不滿中央停業兩套標準,打破沉默,站出來爭工作權。酒店工作人員陳小姐說:「台北的(酒店打工)女公關確診,可是其他店都沒事啊,叫我們停業的標準我也覺得很可笑。」北部酒店女公關一人確診,全國同業被停業,沒收入快三個星期,陳小姐再也忍不住開砲。陳小姐表示:「八大的停業標準我不服氣,按摩業跟三溫暖都可以(營業),磐石艦的軍官很像很愛去量販店,量販店消毒過後都可以營業,為什麼我們就是一個(女公關)離我們這麼遠的地方,就叫我們(酒店)全部停業。」酒店舞廳被停業,被衝擊的不只舞小姐們,像陳小姐就在台中知名酒店內負責音響設備維修超過18年,當年SARS疫情也沒這麼慘,現在卻被無限期停業,全公司所有人都快完蛋。謀職碰壁,生活快過不下去,陳小姐寫了這4張陳情書打算全公司連署,向中央請命。

  16. 台北市中山區林森北路一棟大樓,昨天(24日)晚間9時許發生砍人事件。兩派酒店經紀公司因搶酒店小姐問題相約談判,過程中一言不和爆發衝突,混亂中,一名34歲的酒店工作廖姓男子遭砍,當場血流如注,警消獲報趕抵,趕緊將其送醫,所幸沒有生命危險,警方循監視器通知涉案的7人到案,依妨害秩序、傷害罪嫌偵辦。據了解,周姓主嫌和陳姓酒店經紀負責人,先前也曾因為協調酒店公關間的跳槽合約問題,鬧的不太開心,昨(24)日是二度因為這事,相約見面。周姓主嫌帶著6名同黨到林森北路的經紀公司,雙方才講沒幾句、就爆發衝突,一群人拿出棍棒狂毆,還亮出刀子朝陳姓酒店經紀負責人朋友身上揮砍,導致他手臂遭劃傷。,因酒店小姐合約問題相約談判,雙方人馬共9人一碰面,才談沒幾句就爆發口角,進而演變衝突,混亂中,廖男遭人持西瓜刀砍傷左手臂濺血,傷人一方見狀隨即一哄而散。警消獲報趕抵,發現酒店工作廖男左手臂受有刀傷,立即將其包紮後,送往醫院救治,所幸沒有生命危險。警方調查,廖男旗下的1名酒店小姐,與另家經紀公司的周姓男子(27歲)為好友,女方私下抱怨在廖男旗下待遇不好,酒店環境又差,希望轉換經紀公司,周男則在前陣子就找廖男等人談過此事,但沒有共識。昨天周男又率領其他酒店兼職黑道幫派6人前往廖男的公司,雙方沒談幾句就發生衝突,周男一派共有7人,還拿西瓜刀將廖男砍傷,隨即逃離現場,警方調閱監視器,鎖定周等7人,陸續在今天凌晨通知到案,並依法移送。
    a : 酒店應徵合約內容本身要件要有【商營利事業登記編號/還有政府認證核發蓋章】因為這些文件都是要繳稅的….一但登報稅了,您自己想想 妳在酒店兼差職期間這幾年{妳}家人~早就會知道你在八大行業了…..反而家人卻沒發現,每年也都沒有繳稅單更沒有勞健保,因為這份是假合約【法律用語:偽造文書】
    b :合約內容常有一段話:幾年以內不能離職/幾年內不能更換經紀人。這番話已經觸犯【法律用語:強制罪】
    c :從一開始的違法合約到內容的不人道,甚至離職還又要賠償..。知名檢察官跟妳說【妳被唬了】
    d :重頭到尾觸法的假合約,真的到警察局/法院 {妳}是贏家。
    e :檢察事務所表示快十五年了…我還沒見過有經紀公司拿著合約去警局敢賭這件事。
